HMS Cornwall

Sursa: Thestkittsnevisobserver

Criza mare, bre! Lumea taie cheltuieli de pe unde poate!

Ziarul Guardian dezvaluie ca Marea Britanie planifica abandonarea patrularii cu nave militare in Caraibe, pentru intaia data de la „ww2” incoace! Ati ghicit, de vina este criza! Ca rezultat al acestei decizii, englezii nu vor mai participa cu o nava la operatiunile anti-drog din regiune si, de asemenea, isi vor reduce rolul in activitatile de sprijin in caz de dezastre. Si asta, se va intampla incepand cu finalul lunii Martie.

Nasol, pentru ca:

The Royal Navy has been associated with several major drug seizures in Caribbean waters over the last ten years. In 2002, the HMS Grafton busted a fishing vessel of Venezuela and netted nearly $400 million.

In 2006 the RFA Wave Ruler intercepted the Venezuelan registered fishing boat Oliana 1 carrying over $700 million in cocaine. The following year the warship RFA Largs Bay seized over $160 million worth in cocaine from a small fishing boat off the coast of Barbados.

The up-coming withdrawal has sparked concern among regional law enforcement officers, with Barbadian Police Commissioner Darwin Dottin stating to the Daily Nation that his country and neighbouring territories “would now have to work harder to stem the inflow of narcotics.”

The announcement comes days after the BBC (British Broadcasting Corp.) made public its plans to close its Caribbean news service at the end of March.

Sursa: Thestkittsnevisobserver